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How To Be a Confident Leader

Leadership and confidence go hand in hand – but how does a leader be so confident?

Is it the knowledge, the position, the speaking ability, or an inborn confidence? This has always been a matter of debate and will continue to be so. Many people are quite confident that they cannot be a leader because they do not feel that specific power or confidence in them.

What makes a confident leader?

From various organizations to communities – at every place, we feel the need for a leader. A leader is one who has the ability to guide and shape individuals, helping them to make decisions that help to keep everything moving. Good leaders are encouragers, they are motivators, and they are visionaries. It is true – everyone cannot be a good leader.

You do not have to be a political leader always – it is not just about leading people. It is about working with a group of people, building their confidence, and helping to achieve their goals. Leadership cannot be taught in schools, colleges or universities. There are no courses that can teach you to become a leader.

Confidence comes from within – with time, with knowledge, with conviction and passion to achieve goals.

So, is confidence a leadership quality?


Yes, it is the foundation of a strong leader. Any effective leader is one who has the ability to solve problems, he is the one who makes decisions, communicates effectively, knows how to coach, mentor and can hold a team accountable. These are the fundamentals of leadership.

Building Leadership Skills – Confidence and Passion Go Hand in Hand


To be on top of any field, one quality that you need to have is leadership skills. In fact, after a certain point, your career development depends a lot on the technical skills you have and your willingness to work towards your goals. But, at the same time, there are certain soft skills as well which you need to have. Leadership is one such skill that does influence your career graph.

It is true that for many people, leadership comes naturally but does that mean that others cannot be good leaders?

No – if you wish to see your career go far and you have the willingness to work hard, you can develop leadership skills with time. It is not magical; it is not about completing any leadership course – it takes time and experience!

Let’s understand some skills that are closely associated with leaders:

It is about Discipline:


Probably, it’s not just about being a good leader – discipline is something that builds our character. Whether it is your personal life or your professional life, being disciplined is of utmost importance. A disciplined person inspires others to follow. In fact, a person is actually judged by the discipline one displays at work.

In any office or business environment, there are many ways by which you can demonstrate discipline. These can be in the form of meeting deadlines, keeping appointments and even ending meetings on time. If you wish to learn how to be disciplined, you can start practising from home.

Try to get up on time, have your meals on time, maintain a schedule for everything you do. Time management is the best way to ensure that you have a disciplined life.

Taking Up More Responsibilities:


I have seen that many people believe that taking up responsibilities means working more, slogging more. Yes, it might be, but think about your career growth, the skills you learn, the experience you gain and the qualities you add to your kitty.

Leaders are those who take up responsibility when everyone chooses not to. It doesn’t mean you have to overburden yourself or take up jobs that you cannot complete on time. It simply means doing a little bit more than what is covered in your job description.

Moving out of the comfort zone is necessary if we want to learn something new. We all love to work within our comfort zone but executives who move out of their comfort zone to do something new do get noticed. Leaders always try to do things differently in their capacity.

Inspiring Others:


Being a leader does mean you are a part of the team. You cannot be a leader and not be a part of the team. If you are in the team, you will know what works for them and what doesn’t work for them. If you understand their problems, you will be able to encourage them and guide them. It also means that the person is sympathetic and willing to listen. A true leader is one who motivates the team, encourages them to work better and feel better.

Resolving Conflicts:


A manager should be the one who solves problems and resolves conflict! A true leader is one who has solutions to all problems.

It doesn’t help to ignore interpersonal conflicts. They never go away on their own- they remain deep-rooted in the minds if things are not resolved amicably. Leaders should be open to changes as well. If something doesn’t work within a group and gives rise to numerous conflicts, reassigning can be a good solution.

Learning Continuously:


Learning never ends – there is never an age limit to learn something new. Keeping the mind sharp and skills fresh is what keeps things going. Learning continuously is the way to take on new challenges that come in the way. A leader doesn’t know it all – a leader is one who doesn’t stop learning.

Empowering Teammates:


No one can be good in almost everything. A leader realizes that and understands that delegating tasks is the key to success. You cannot do everything all by yourself. You need to empower your teammates, give them responsibilities, help them grow and succeed. If your team succeeds and learns new skills, it’s the success of your leadership.

Remember, being a leader does not mean you will be in the spotlight always. A good leader does listen to ideas, offers suggestions, and encourages feedback. A good leader works on suggestions and builds them. Good leaders are those who understand that communication is not about choosing the right words, but it is also about picking non-verbal cues, it is about understanding eye-contact and understanding the body language.

Can you get leadership certificates?


Yes, there are a few universities that offer certificates in leadership. A leadership certificate can give a boost to your CV because your employer will understand your deep interest in the subject.

Top Leadership Certificate Programs:


  • Harvard University
  • Georgetown University
  • Cornell University eCornell.
  • Champlain College Online

Are Online Certificates on Leadership worth it?


If you have a certificate in management and leadership, it will help in increasing your earning potential. It helps in proving that you have leadership knowledge, you understand the principles of leadership and you are suitable for the position.

What Jobs Can You Apply for with a Leadership Certificate?


Most leadership certificate programs are designed for professionals who have been successful in their current roles. Such professionals have a keen interest in developing their careers further. You can apply for any managerial role in NGO’s, in non-profit organisations, in private companies, in schools, colleges, universities and other places.

What are the top 5 leadership skills that are a must?


  • Planning & Organizing Skills
  • Ability to solve problems and make wise decisions
  • Effective communication Skills
  • Relationship building skills
  • Motivating Skills

Last but not the least, you can always take online leadership courses to give your career a boost.

Saurabh Mukherjee

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